Join The Guild | Join us!

Do you support the responsible use of the powerful new genome engineering and gene editing tools for the greater good? If so, tell us about yourself and join GWG!
The Guild membership is for one year.
Donate to the Guild

Student membership $25

Student members are Adepts of The Guild. You are a current high school, undergraduate, or graduate student.
• Reduced fee for the annual GWG conference.
• Be connected, be known.
• Have your work/publication highlighted by the Guild on the website.
• Eligible for Adept leadership positions in the GWG.

Public membership $50

Public members are Patrons of The Guild. You are non-scientists interested and supportive of genome engineering.
• Reduced fee for the annual GWG conference.
• Be connected to the Guild (email listserve) and find out the latest breakthroughs and participate in local events.
• Be the social change you want to see.

Professional membership $75

Professional members are Authors of The Guild. You are faculty, postdoctoral fellows and other academic professionals who are practicing in or associated with the field of genome engineering science.
• Reduced fee for the annual GWG conference.
• Be connected.
• Advertise for funded graduate student, post doc and staff positions in your laboratory.
• Eligible to contribute to the monthly GWG interview with an author of a recent publication, telling your awesome, world-changing, genome writing science story.

Corporate membership $100

Corporate members are Allies of The Guild. You are business and industry individuals associated with the field of genome engineering science.
• Reduced fee for the annual GWG conference.
• Be connected.
• Ad space on Guild website sharing new technologies.
• Post your corporate job openings!
The GWG is a US 501(c)(3) non-profit organization building a better future for humanity through genome engineering and public education.